Saturday, January 29, 2011

They're Nazi zombies. That's what makes it morally ok.

I totally used to do this.

At our friend's place right now, watching WS and his friend K destroy legions of walking dead and devour two pizzas (with cheesy bread as an extra!). Myself, I'm exhausted. Probably the effects of eating too much chocolate at work and reading about toxic plants all afternoon. Did you know that garlic and tulips are in the same family as lilies? Learn something new every day.

Also just watched Toy Story Three, which is probably about the sweetest movie ever. It must be kind of hard on Pixar, having to produce a masterpiece every time. I don't think they've ever made a true failure.

Not much else to say, except for hiking tomorrow and a flamenco guitar concert. Good times, except that I am so far behind on homework that it's not even funny.

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